Self-Care Sunday: 5 Daily Affirmations to Recite to Yourself this Week

Incorporating daily affirmations into your weekly routine is one way to ensure you are setting yourself up for success and keeping yourself motivated. We’re sharing five daily affirmations you can recite to yourself going into this new week to ensure your mindset is aligned with positivity.

5 Daily Affirmations to Recite to Yourself this Week

Affirmation #1: Putting yourself first doesn’t make you selfish

By making the decision to put yourself first, you’re allowing yourself to pour into your cup and ensure you’re fulfilled before attempting to pour into other’s cups. Remember this: you can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you’re making yourself a priority as well.

Affirmation #2: Setting boundaries doesn’t make you weak

Making the conscious decision to set boundaries is not a form of weakness. Setting boundaries is the basis of self-care and respect. When you set boundaries, you are taking the stance that you will not allow or accept others taking advantage of you – which is a skillset needed in all aspects of life.

Affirmation #3: “No” simply means “Next Opportunity”

Don’t let the “no’s” discourage you, because your yes could be right around the corner from that last no. Instead, look at your no’s as a “next opportunity” and understand there’s not a no that’s stronger than your destined yes.  

Affirmation #4: Don’t let fear determine your future

Fear in any instance is simply not an option. Don’t let fear determine your future.

Affirmation #5: Know you are worthy of your heart’s desires

Whatever it is that you may desire, know, and believe that you are worthy of it. Be so in tune with yourself that nothing or no one can deter you from that. Regardless of where you are in life, you are always worthy of your heart’s desires.